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Hell in Heels Page 9
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Page 9
Only Evan’s hands biting into my shoulders stopped me from hurling Luc’s blender at the man’s pompous head.
After the police left, I walked over to Bri’s apartment. Evan looked at me worriedly and I smiled to reassure him. “I not going to kill her,” I told him through clenched teeth. Just hang her upside down outside until blood ran from her eyes.
He nodded and I knocked on Bri’s door. She answered the door dressed in a cute little baby doll romper and heels. For early in the afternoon, she was sure dolled up.
“What?” She asked rudely, and then spied Evan. “Um, what are you guys up to?”
Evan smiled at her and put his arm around me. “Someone took Helena’s dog today. Broke into her apartment and stole him. He’s a special needs dog.” He looked hard at Bri. “Did you see anyone hanging around?”
Bri shook her head, her eyes wide.
I sensed her fear, but there was something else. I knew she was lying but I needed to shake her up. “Are you sure?”
She looked over at me. “I said I didn’t see anyone!” she snapped.
Evan squeezed my shoulder and looked down at me as I let out a tense breath. “Shit.” She was not going to budge and I couldn’t press her with Evan at my side.
Evan looked back at Bri. “Thanks a lot Bri. If you hear anything, let us know.”
She nodded and closed the door firmly.
I hurried back to my apartment and into the bedroom. I changed into a pair of yoga pants and sneakers. Evan watched me.
“Where are you going?”
“To find my dog,” I snarled at him. I was pissed off. I was pissed at Bri for being a lying, jealous bitch. I was pissed at Orthus for allowing himself to be kidnapped. What kind of hellhound allows himself to be captured by a damn witch! And I was pissed at myself. While I was fucking the neighbor, my dad’s prize possession was being lifted. I had put no spells in place as a safeguard. I had dragged Orthus here for my own selfish reasons and he was suffering because of it.
Evan reached for me and I backed away. He frowned. “Want me to help?”
“No thanks,” I said, almost glaring at him before muttering under my breath, “you’ve help a ton already.”
He gave me a hard look and walked out. Seconds later, I heard his door slam. I didn’t need him. I could do this by myself. It was better anyway. I was sober again; no more alcohol in my system and that meant my powers were back. I closed my eyes and cast a tracking spell. Sure enough, I could see a ghostly version of Bri in my apartment with Orthus. She held a large steak in her hand and the greedy dummy fell for it.
I shook my head. What was up with Orthus and steak? I breathed deeply to relax myself. I only had one shot at this. I couldn’t go to the police. What was I to tell them? That I had cast a spell that showed me what had happened in my apartment? I couldn’t prove it to them, not without revealing myself and I seriously didn’t think Evan would find that very attractive.
Following the ghost version of Bri, I walked into the elevators and pressed the down button. Even the elevator cameras were no help. She had laced the steak with something and Orthus was out before he had even finished eating. She had stuffed the poor dog in a gym bag and wearing her gym clothes had walked onto the elevator. The cameras would only show a woman dressed to go to the gym carrying a gym bag. No suspicion there.
I walked out onto the street, the afternoon sun lighting up South Beach like a lamp. I walked quickly through the nicer areas of South Beach towards North Beach. Here the homes were a bit more run down and there were more apartments than beach condos. The tingling sensation on my nape was back and I looked around. I was being followed. The sun was even lower in the sky and dusk had started to fall.
There was a whisper of footsteps behind me and I looked around. The footsteps stopped. I started moving again, not surprised when the footsteps started moving along with me. I wanted desperately to mutter a spell and find out who was following me, but if it was Bri, I didn’t want to lose the element of surprise. I needed to find Orthus and soon. Therefore, I couldn’t waste my energy casting spells. I could wait until she got closer and take her out.
I stopped suddenly and pretended I had to tie my shoe. I used my movements to surreptitiously look around. A large wall signaled the entrance to one apartment building and it was easily accessible. I could slip behind it and catch her unawares. I retied my laces and walked on. In the twilight, I slipped behind the wall and doubled back. I caught my stalker by the arm and triumphantly whirled the bitch around.
It was the Olorisha who had summoned me. I stared at his sweaty face. He was obviously not used to sleuthing. “What the fuck do you want?” I asked angrily.
He licked his lips. “I am ready for my wish now.”
I stared at him. “Really? Now? How did you find me anyway?”
He looked pleased with himself. “I cast a tracking spell on you.”
I frowned. “Tracking spell? To do that you needed something of mine.”
“Or something you touched.” He smiled. “I used the water bottle you left.”
At any other time, I would have admired his ingenuity and tenacity. Right now, they were both getting on my nerve.
“I don’t have time for this,” I said as I started to walk away.
He looked over at me. “I know who you are.”
My footsteps faltered. He did not know me. He could not know me. Every demon in hell was probably out looking for me. My vacation would not be ruined by a glory hungry Santeria priest clamoring for fame. I turned around slowly. “You don’t know what you are talking about.”
He swallowed nervously but held his ground. “I know who you are; I know your true name.”
Sweat break out on my brow. Knowing a demon’s true name gave you the ultimate power over them. I would be powerless to avoid his wish and when he was done, I would be cast back into hell. This day was not looking good. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I repeated, hoping he would get the hint that I was not one to play with. He didn’t get it.
“You can’t frighten me.” He lifted a bag he held in his hand. “I have everything I need to cast you back, demon.”
I sniffed and smelled the distinctive scent of hawthorne, fennel and a mixture of other plants used to protect against demons. If this little weasel knew the right words, he could banish me right on the spot.
“Look,” I held my hands up and licked my lips nervously, hoping to placate him somehow. “I am really busy right now.”
He looked at me without sympathy.
I tried again. “I am trying to find my neighbor’s—well, my dog—and it’s not going so well right now.” I walked closer to him and he held the bag higher. “He’s a special needs dog and needs his medication. I am trying to find him before he dies.” I practically wailed, hoping his sense of compassion would kick in.
The Olorisha looked at me skeptically. “You are a demon. You are full of lies. What does a demon want with a dog?”
I held my hands out beseechingly. “I am not lying. When you asked for the wish, did I lie to you?”
He thought about it. “Well, I guess not.”
“Exactly!” I exclaimed. “I am not here to harm anyone. I just wanted to get away and enjoy a little vacation.”
He looked at me again with a frown. “You are one weird demon.”
I held my hands in front of me. “Well, I just want to enjoy all life has to offer.”
He nodded and put the little bag of herbs into the pocket of his robe. I eyed the pocket wondering if I would be able to grab it before he invoked the banishing spell and shook my head when he laughed.
“You can try, mami, but I can say it faster than you can get my bag. After all, you can’t use your powers on me. Not while I have this.”
I nodded, not sure what was going to happen next. He answered it for me. “Now we go look for your dog.”
I almost groaned. The last thing I needed was this bumbling idiot trying to help me find Orthus. I n
odded with a tight smile, for once happy that it was now dark.
He indicated I should lead the way.
I needed to get rid of him. I couldn’t put a spell on him to get rid of him, but I could use my powers on myself. I looked at him and before he could thrust his hand into his pocket, grab his bag and invoke the spell, I snapped my fingers and was gone.
I stood outside the condo complex and looked at the cars parked on the street. They looked empty. Hopefully, no one saw my little appearing act and I was still safe. Evan’s car was still parked in the same spot as was Bri’s and a few other people. A flashy red Camaro was parked behind a nondescript white van. Nothing stirred and I breathed a sigh of relief.
I would have to start all over again with my tracking of Orthus. By now, the Olorisha was probably on his way to find me again and I needed to protect myself from him. I knew a few plants that I could use on him that would give me the advantage, but I had to be physically near him for it to work.
Lost in thought, I started to walk, and tried to pick up Orthus trail. It was fainter this time and required me to focus. In the background, I heard a vehicle start and was irritated at this break in concentration. I shook my head and started again, following the trail back toward the shady apartments. I kept an eye out for the Olorisha and moved quickly through the city streets. In the dark it was difficult to hear the sounds of the footsteps until they were right behind me.
I kept my head forward. We could play this game again. If the Olorisha thought I wouldn’t grab his bag of protective herbs this time, he was wrong. I muttered a few words and felt the spell starting to build. This time, I wasn’t going to hide and sneak up on him. This time, I was going to confront him and before he could open his mouth, I was going to relieve him of his protection. Then, maybe he would leave me alone.
I wondered if he really knew my true name or if that was a bluff. I was strong enough to keep control over myself for a few seconds if he said my name, which would give me enough time to grab the bag. But invoking my name would actually alert my dad to my whereabouts. I shrugged. It was the lesser of two evils and a risk I had to take. I lightened my footsteps to be able to hear him, but kept walking. His footsteps were getting closer now and more hurried. I knew it was just a matter of time before he invoked my name. It was now or never.
I whirled around ready to grab the bag of protective herbs. A young man stood before me, in a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie. Before I could react to this unexpected face, he reached out a hand and shoved a wet rag over mine. The alcohol fumes shot through my nostrils and the last thing I saw before my eyes closed were the other shapes pouring out of a white van.
Chapter 7 – Devil Went Down to...Miami?
There was nothing worse than waking up with a pounding headache. Actually there was. Waking up with a pounding headache tied to a bedpost in a cold, dark room was worse. Much worse. I blinked slowly as I looked around. My eyes didn’t need to adjust in the dark, but my alcohol-laced brain felt groggy.
I tried to lift my hand and frowned as it remained tied around the bedpost. Awkwardly, I sat on the edge of the bed, body propped up against the headboard. I raised my head and immediately leaned it back against the wall as the room began to sway. The pounding and pain in my head was more than I wanted to deal with at the moment. If I ever got my fucking hands on that damn Olorisha, he would be sorry he ever met the Princess of Hell. Asshole. My mental outburst caused my head to pound even more. Even thinking hurt.
The door slowly opened and I saw five figures. I closed my eyes and groaned softly. That moron. Even after I told him about the rules, he still insisted on showing me off to his little circle jerk of friends. I smiled. Never let them see you sweat. I was not ready to go home and damn it, I wanted a bit more Evan, I thought selfishly. And I needed to find Orthus.
The figures stared at me and whispered among themselves. I noticed that one of the shorter, rounder figures was the one the others seemed to defer to. The leader. I noted the long clothes covering their bodies and sighed. More priests…and priestesses, I amended, as I noticed the curve of a breast.
“Okay. I give. Where is the little prick?”
The figures stopped talking and stared at me in stunned silence. I could feel the tension and the fear in the air.
“Was I not supposed to talk?” I asked irritably. “Well, you’re fucked, because I feel like talking.” I heard a few gasps at my declaration and a thought tried to pick its way through the maze that was my alcoholic mind.
“Where is he?” I asked again, irritated as my head started to pound anew. I ignored the little tingling in the back of my mind that usually warned if something wasn’t right. Of course, something wasn’t right. I was tied to a damn bed!
The leader stepped forward, hands held out towards me. In unison, the group started chanting. I stared at them, confused and their voices grew louder. The chanting grew in intensity and my eyes widened as I recognized the Latin words. These morons weren’t with the Olorisha, the thought dawned on me suddenly. This was some religious sect who thought I was possessed. They were performing an exorcism.
I kept my face impassive as I tried to figure out a way out of this predicament. They would soon realize that I wasn’t a human with a demon spirit trapped inside me and when that happened, I would probably die. Actually, they would try to kill me. If I had to defend myself, it would not bode well for any in this group.
The group moved in behind the leader and their voices continued to chant. I decided to try to find another way out of this situation. I needed time to think. I sighed as I thought about what I was going to do in a few minutes. It wasn’t something I liked or even prided myself on, but it was necessary. I closed my eyes and allowed my head to fall forward. I rocked slowly back and forth and started to moan, feeling the change in the air. The group was excited at my antics.
As the excitement continued to mount, I let out a wild groan and started to pant. The group moved closer. I held my body taut as I threw back my head and let out a strangled gasp. The group moved closer still, the leader pulling a bible out of a hidden pocket and making the sign of the cross in the air. I started to tremble, my limbs shaking against the bedpost. My legs twitched and moved sporadically and I started to convulse. Suddenly, I bowed my back and screamed, my head thrown against the headboard and my arms pulling against my bonds. I released a breath and slumped forward.
The group huddled around me; their voices lower this time as they continued to chant. The leader made the sign of the cross again, this time on my forehead, satisfied that the action was not met with screams and did not leave burned flesh. I kept my eyes closed as my head was allowed to fall forward again.
I listened as they left. Finally. I guess they were satisfied with my performance. I really didn’t want to overdo it, but I needed them to get out for a few minutes so I could think. I wasn’t too sure if the leader really believed me, but I needed to have a plan in case they brought in the big guns, literally. I shivered in the cooling air. It was getting colder in the room. I cocked an ear. The leader wasn’t as foolish as I had originally thought. Already, they were cooling the room, just in case. It wouldn’t harm me, but it would make it difficult to use my powers if I was too cold to think straight.
I sat formulating a plan when the door slowly opened. A tall young man stood in the doorway. He stared at me and at my hands tied to the post, before hurriedly looking away. I tried to look defeated, to lull him into a false sense of trust, but I could tell he’d been warned to avoid unnecessary contact. He thrust a cup at me, shoving it into my hands awkwardly. It was one of those insulated souvenir cups and contained a long straw. I could feel the warmth of the liquid inside. I could also smell the alcohol. I thanked him as I waited for him to leave. He stood his ground and watched me. Okay. I raised an eyebrow. I guess I was being tested.
I wondered briefly if they had mixed my drink with holy water, but at this point I didn’t care. Ingesting holy water did
n’t do anything to me except give me gas and perhaps a short bout of diarrhea, but even that was not a welcome prospect in my situation. I glanced up at the guy before putting the straw to my mouth and taking a big gulp. The warmth flooded my body and I resisted the urge to smile as the guy stepped back a few feet. I guess the liquid was hotter than it looked. Oops. Oh well. They weren’t fooled anyway. Now, they just weren’t sure what I was. I obviously hadn’t possessed some poor soul because I would have already been sucked back to hell, but I was definitely not human.
I took a few more big sips to stave the chill off my bones and watched as he left the room, before I removed the straw from my mouth. No need to waste it. Who knew how long they were planning on keeping me here? I maneuvered the cup between my legs to steady it and to keep it warm. Already I could feel the effects of the alcohol. I thought about my family and realized that if this group had any common sense, they would kill me the first chance they got. My father would not be happy.
My head started to swim a bit and my body swayed. I muttered a quick chant and watched as my spell bounced off the wall, repelled by the protective spells the group must have put in place. That would explain why they weren’t too afraid to be alone with me. They had warded the room. Shit. This was bad. I grimaced and racked my brain. The only spell I knew at this moment that could get around any ward was a call for help. As much as I did not want to, I had to ask my dad for help. I chanted and watched as my spell found a way around the wards protecting the room and disappeared.
In what seemed like mere minutes, I heard the familiar sound of screeching. Followed by screams. The building started to shake and I heard the pounding of running feet in the hallway outside my room. The smell of sulfur and phosphate lingered in the night air. I breathed deeply of home. I felt a familiar sense of foreboding, not due to fear, but because I had given up. I had not shown I could live topside like Luc. I had lost Orthus and I wouldn’t get to see Evan again. Damn, that man was good in bed.